


# static constant command$

Primary fork/bisect stream for indivual commands. attached to a pubsub stemming from this stream. The topic function used to alert downstream handlers is a simple lookup of the sub$ key of the command

View Source core/multiplex.ts, line 45

# static constant multiplex

Handles Collections (array) of Commands ("Tasks") which require ordered choreography and/or have a dependency on some (a)sync data produced by a user interaction.


Subtasks are the way you compose tasks. Insert a Task and the spool will unpack it in place (super -> sub order preserved) A Subtask must be defined as a unary function that accepts an accumulator object and returns a Task, e.g.:


// { C: Command }
// ( { A: Accumulator }: Object ) => [{C},{C}]: Subtask
let someSubtask = ({A}) => [{C}, {C}, ({A})=>[{C},{C}], ...]


// subtask example:
let subtask1 = acc => [
 { sub$: "acc"
 , args: { data: } },
 { sub$: "route"
 , args: { route: { href: acc.href } } }

// task
let task = [
 { args: { href: "" } }, // acc init
 { sub$: "fetch"
 , args: ({ href }) => fetch(href).then(r => r.json())
 , erro: (acc, err) => ({ sub$: "cancel", args: err })
 , reso: (acc, res) => ({ data: res }) },
 acc => subtask1(acc), // subtask reference
 { sub$: "FLIP" , args: "done" }

Ad-hoc stream injection Example

import { stream } from ""
import { map, comp } from ""

// ad-hoc stream
let login = stream().subscribe(comp(
 map(x => console.log("login ->", x)),
 map(({ token }) => loginToMyAuth(token))

// subtask
let subtask_login = ({ token }) => [
 { sub$: login // <- stream
 , args: () => ({ token }) } // <- use acc

// task
let task = [
 // no sub$, just pass data
 { args: { href: "" } },
 { sub$: login , args: () => "logging in..." },
 { sub$: "AUTH"
 , args: ({ href }) => fetch(href).then(r => r.json())
 , erro: (acc, err) => ({ sub$: "cancel", args: err })
 , reso: (acc, res) => ({ token: res }) },
 acc => subtask_login(acc),
 { sub$: login , args: () => "log in success" }

View Source core/multiplex.ts, line 135

# static constant out$

Primary user-land READ stream. For attaching handlers for responding to emmitted Commands

View Source core/multiplex.ts, line 33

# static constant run$

User-land event dispatch stream

This stream is directly exposed to users. Any one-off Commands nexted into this stream are sent to the command$ stream. Arrays of Commands (Tasks) are sent to the task$ stream.

TODO: add examples,beforeunload event handler within #4 (orphan): SEE and enable via external or internal events (e.g., popstate / { sub$: "cancel" })

View Source core/multiplex.ts, line 23

# static constant task$

Task stream that handles Arrays of Commands. Dispatches to multiplexer (the heart of spule)

View Source core/multiplex.ts, line 254

# inner result

If some signature needs to deal with both Promises and non-Promises, non-Promises are wrapped in a Promise to "lift" them into the proper context for handling

View Source core/multiplex.ts, line 170